忘れていた「Xploder PS4」に進展?

7月29日 AM1:11 メールが来ました。


Hi Vona,

We are now moving to "out now" status. That's right, the time has come! The new version of the software you will be receiving has a ton of updates, including (most importantly) the online database!

The software will automatically update from 6-7pm (GMT) today (28th July) when you next launch it.

We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce our latest (unexpected!) update - CHEATS! We have uploaded a selection of saves with cheats enabled and we will be adding to the list ongoing.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you as a pre-order customer for sticking with us during this beta period. We appreciate there are still some features you (and we!) would like to see and our guarantee to you (as a pre-order customer) is the following:

You will receive every update for the PS4 software, forever, for free!
All new features for the PS4 product will be free, forever!
You will receive all versions of any PS4 product we release, forever, for free!
We previously mentioned that we would release our cheats product separately and more expensively. This does not apply to you. You will now get our cheats product for free, as a thank you for pre-ordering and for sticking with us.

Our focus in the last few weeks has been making the online database available. This has always been our main feature, making it easy for everyone to use the software without needing to do any manual copying and pasting etc. That is now live and we will continue to tweak it over the next few weeks.

Our product roadmap then includes:

Cheats editor, for your own saves
Cheats editor, with sliders/options (like our PS3 product)
Re-signing, for your own saves
To confirm, you will receive these as free updates in the future. This launch today is V1 and as always, we will continue to improve this product over time.

The main difference between our historical products and the version you have purchased is our commitment to you (as a pre-order customer) that you will receive all new variants of our PS4 product, for free. We would usually (and have confirmed this previously) launch our cheats product separately (and more expensively) – you will get this for free.

Thank you for sticking with us
The Xploder Team

For your reference, below are your order details.
